
My 2014- adjusting to having a school-aged child plus my food and spending challenge

I spent a wonderful day yesterday chatting with a friend and cooking up a storm, preparing to fill a lunchbox everyday (now that my little man is in prep, first day today!). The kids played, she cut their hair ready for their first day and I prepped some vege-filled meatballs, made a double batch of gluten-free Anzac biscuits and roasted some pumpkin and leek for the frittata I’d finish off for dinner later.

The finished dinner- pumpkin, chorizo and kale frittata

We mused about the Christmas/new year period just past and the year ahead- what we were hoping and aiming for over the coming year. A fellow blogger, she challenged me to revisit a previous post of hers and to”name my year”.

So, my year is the year of “Thoughtful Spending”. I challenge you to read her post and commit to naming your own year too.

For awhile now I’ve been aware I buy more than we need and waste more than I’d care to admit. Continue reading “My 2014- adjusting to having a school-aged child plus my food and spending challenge”