
My 2014- adjusting to having a school-aged child plus my food and spending challenge

I spent a wonderful day yesterday chatting with a friend and cooking up a storm, preparing to fill a lunchbox everyday (now that my little man is in prep, first day today!). The kids played, she cut their hair ready for their first day and I prepped some vege-filled meatballs, made a double batch of gluten-free Anzac biscuits and roasted some pumpkin and leek for the frittata I’d finish off for dinner later.

The finished dinner- pumpkin, chorizo and kale frittata

We mused about the Christmas/new year period just past and the year ahead- what we were hoping and aiming for over the coming year. A fellow blogger, she challenged me to revisit a previous post of hers and to”name my year”.

So, my year is the year of “Thoughtful Spending”. I challenge you to read her post and commit to naming your own year too.

For awhile now I’ve been aware I buy more than we need and waste more than I’d care to admit. I’m talking food mostly but this really does extend to more areas of our life. So I’ve set myself a challenge- to reduce my food waste and our food bill but without sacrificing nutrition. I also want to be aware of what’s really enhancing our quality of life too- when to buy something, when to make it ourselves. Basically how to get the best bang for our buck without a ridiculous time investment that reduces our quality of life in other ways (less time for relaxation, play etc).

I’m putting it out there to be accountable, and hopefully to gain ideas from others and perhaps helps others too. I’ll be posting recipes, tips and ideas on maximising nutrition, reduce spending and make the most of your time in the kitchen in order to reduce your grocery bill, reduce food wastage and to generate more time out of the kitchen too! Be prepared for a lot of lunch box photos as well as we embark on the journey that is having school-aged kids and I document what I feed my preppy boy. I am inspired when I look at other bloggers lunchbox images so hopefully mine will inspire you (and show you that we’re all human, and that real, nourishing food isn’t often fancy or arty!). If this appeals to you, you may like to follow me on facebook or instagram as that’s where a lot of the lunchbox stuff will go.

So, any tips for me? What’s your best money saving, waste reducing ideas?

3 thoughts on “My 2014- adjusting to having a school-aged child plus my food and spending challenge”

  1. Hi Sandi,
    I’ll be reading your blog! Are you able to set it up so I can get an email when you do a new post? I’m mostly on my mobile so it’s easier that way.
    If you want cheap ideas I can recommend the Cheapskates club. I haven’t joined but I enjoy getting their emails and you can still access a lot of stuff (not 100% on their nutrition, but that is not their focus).
    Best wishes
    S xxx

  2. Brilliant!!! I am so so pleased you have named and committed to your year. It is particularly great you are a fellow blogger and we can follow your journey and benefit from your discoveries. I am ESPECIALLY looking forward to your school lunchbox inspiration for our little scholars…

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